Copy Squad Presents...

How to Acquire Clients Through Cold Outreach
Using the Cold Acquisition Framework!

Everything You'll Discover
Inside This Private
Prospecting Masterclass:

  • ​Identify Your Dream Clients so you can laser-focus your efforts on the highest-paying opportunities. 
  • ​Find the Hidden Power Players and unmask the true decision-maker who can actually say “Yes!” (and not just "not a No").
  • ​Get Your Ideal Clients To Meet With You from a simple cold email that captures their attention, sparks their curiosity, and gets them to lean in. 
  • ​Ace The Meeting with the right approach so you can turn that initial contact into a concrete money-making project. 
  • Plus, so much more!

Andrea Grassi

Andrea Grassi is an Italian entrepreneur in small business with 6 companies active in 6 different sectors.

He specializes in enabling Freelancers and Small Business Owners to leverage the most effective strategies for generating profit, increasing their monthly personal income, and creating businesses that operate independently of their constant and necessary presence.

His greatest expertise lies in Marketing and Sales, areas in which he has published three books and developed systems and methodologies for acquiring new clients more easily and predictably.

Kyle "The Chief" Milligan

Kyle got his start at Agora Financial in 2017 and quickly became known as "The $7.1 Million Man". 

In 2019, he transitioned to the position of Copy Chief at WealthPress where he and his team skyrocketed a small pub into a $50 Million company. 

During that time he took 5 writers to their first $1 million launch and paid out over a million dollars in royalties.

Now his goal is to train and guide more copywriters (like YOU) to their six and seven-figure dreams while running the Copy Squad Agency!
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Emotion Based Selling (Only $27): Click the checkbox to get the private presentation of Kyle sharing NESB at an exclusive international mastermind with the top marketers in the world! Guests included marketing legends like Todd Brown, Kevin Rogers, and Rich Schefren. And tickets fetched a price as high as $40,000 to attend... But you get this for only $27 when you purchase today!

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Frequently Asked Questions

What do I get inside the training?

You get the cold approach secrets that allow Andrea Grassi's team to secure meetings with 25% - 50% of the companies they reach out to. He doesn't teach this anywhere else on the internet. These are his companies' personal frameworks and systems to close $50+ million clients. Which means after the class, you'll be able to get a meeting with some of the biggest players in your niche – no matter what niche you're in – by only sending a fraction of the emails you would normally send. 

Who is leading the training?

The training is led by Andrea Grassi an entrepreneur who specializes in enabling Freelancers and Small Business Owners to leverage the most effective strategies for generating profit, increasing their monthly personal income, and creating businesses that operate independently of their constant and necessary presence. Now he wants to share his prospecting secrets with you. 

Who is this training for? 

This training is best suited for beginner copywriters who don't have a complete book of business and are looking to get more paying clients fast. Or copywriters looking to upgrade the level of clients they work with.

Is this part of Copy Squad Lite?

Yup, if you already have a Copy Squad Lite membership, this LIVE training is free. No need to buy a ticket.

Will I have access to the recordings? 

Absolutely. You'll get the full recording of the training the day after the event in Kajabi. If you don't already have an account with us, Kajabi will email you your log-in info right after you snag yourself a ticket. 

Is there a guarantee or a refund policy? 

If you're not satisfied with the training, just email us at and we'll refund you without any questions asked. 

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